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The evaluation defined by Jackson and Propp models University transfer and exchange of carbon isotopes, that are always latest in University ambience, with linen fabric at elevated temperatures. This jphenomenon may have led examination quizzes huge misdating of University Shroud when it was uncovered examination quizzes fire in University year 1532. The mathematical model was able exam reproduce University posted experimental consequences of both Russian and American researchers who studied radiocarbon enrichment in line during average oven incubations. The Russian experiments imply that at elevated temperatures, like those expected in University 1532 fire, linen chemically reacts with carbon containing molecules from University air. According exam University researchers, “Our evaluation of University Russian data calls for that University attachment rate for carbon 14 is quicker than for University other two carbon isotopes in order that if University fire is quenched before all carbon isotopes regain their statistical balance, University linen is enriched with carbon 14, making its radiocarbon age appear too recent by centuries. We also find that our analysis offers quizzes believable reason why other American researchers did not detect such carbon 14 enrichment as a result of their experimental circumstances caused University enrichment exam deplete before University conclusion of their test.

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